Hi Jennifer
I have pleasure in attaching my report for assignment 3. Congratulations on producing some very good examples. Best wishes Norman |
Tutor Report
you for submitting your 3rd assignment. It is interesting to read the background of
Lyme Regis and your account of the reality in winter when the season changes
the look of the town and coastline to contrast with what summer visitors
normally see.
Feedback on assignment
Image No 1
I believe you have dealt with this image
objectively in the conversion process. The contrast levels are about right. The
colour image was a little distracting showing the tinsel in the window even
though there was some juxtaposition with the red anoraks.
You are correct to leave the cropping
as it is, even though you had concerns with the arm in the bottom left of
frame. It is now almost unseen and cropping further would spoil the effect.
This was a suitable subject for conversion to black and white.
I have to agree to agree with you that
the colour version is better in this instance. The blue colour of the sea and
sky merge and the accent of red make this a nice picture that is well balanced
in terms of the boats and shoreline. However, you have converted the image to
black and white and used levels to improve the contrast and also carefully
cropped the image. Incidentally you can also use PSD files to keep layers and
be able to work on the files again without losing resolution, as would be the
case with jpeg images.
Image 3
The sequence of choosing the correct
image and consequential use of Photoshop tools, particularly levels, has
resulted in an acceptable image retaining the detail in the cloud formation.
Use of further contrast would lose the detail in the clouds. The overcast day
and the bent tree indicate that this can be a wild spot with strong winds.
Image 4
The treatment of this image has worked
quite well as a black and white alternative. You have placed the horizon in a
position below centre that is more pleasing to the eye. The positioning of the
main photographer in the foreground is placed off centre to line up with the
other person in the shot where there is a strong line of vision. An implied
triangle is seen between the two photographers and the far building that works
Image 5
De-saturating and importing a false
sky has improved this image, which works better as a black and white image.
There is quite of lot of interest shown here and the angle of positioning has
created a three dimensional image that adds further to the composition.
Image 6
There is very little colour visible in
the original shot for this image and therefore it works well as a black and
white image without the need for drastic manipulation.
Image 7
This is a very good example of a silhouette.
The camera has metered for the ambient light surrounding the couple and left
them as silhouettes. As a colour image it is also attractive and equally the
conversion to black and white reveals a good image with plenty of detail in the
sky and sea. I like the emphasis you have given the post out at sea, where you
have applied some artistic intervention. Well-done Jennifer!
This photograph has benefitted from
the change from colour to black and white and the treatment given to the life buoy
improves the contrast. Unfortunately the sky is a little noisy. You could
selectively separate the sky from the rest of the image and just apply the
levels to the remainder of the photograph to avoid too much noise. I could not
show an example as the coloured photo may have been altered as it also shows
quite a bit of noise in the sky?